Lingjun Li 29th Annual Lorne Proteomics Symposium 2024

Lingjun Li

Dr. Lingjun Li is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor and the Charles Melbourne Johnson Distinguished Chair Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).  Dr. Li received her B.E. degree in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from Beijing University of Technology, China and her Ph.D. degree in Analytical Chemistry/Biomolecular Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under Jonathan Sweedler in 2000. She then did joint postdoctoral research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (w/ Richard Smith) and Brandeis University (w/ Eve Marder) before joining the faculty at UW-Madison in December 2002. Dr. Li’s research interests include the development of novel mass spectrometry (MS)-based tools such as new isotopic and isobaric labeling strategies that enable hyperplexing for quantitative proteomics, peptidomics, and glycomics. She and her team also develop microscale separations, in vivo microdialysis and imaging MS tools for functional discovery of neuropeptides in model organisms and (glyco)protein biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases.  Her lab also explores novel use of ion mobility MS to address technical challenges in peptidomic research, including site-specific peptide epimer analysis and improvement of isobaric tandem MS quantitation. Professor Li has established a highly productive research program and published more than 260 peer-reviewed research journal papers and has given more than 200 invited talks. She has successfully graduated 40 PhDs and is currently training 27 PhD graduate students. She has been recognized with numerous awards, including ASMS Research Award, NSF CAREER Award, Sloan Fellowship, PittCon Achievement Award, and ASMS Biemann Medal, and was named one of the Top 50 most influential women in the analytical sciences and was included in the 2016 Analytical Scientist Power List. Dr. Li is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS). She also serves on the Board of Directors for US HUPO, and served on the ASMS Asilomar Conference committee during 2015-2017.

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